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Jan. 10, 2006 - 12:19 a.m.

You know.
Some days it's not worth chewing through the leather strap.


So I had to once again play couns. last..this morning.

Slept until 8 on sunday, considering I was lacking majorly in the sleep dept., I figured it was a much needed rest.

But perfectly alright day, turned to needed to help E out, cause he was breaking up with the girl today.


So the best thing to do is bitch to your thingie?

(well, I wasn't a girlfriend..what the hell am I supposed to call myself?)

So I dutifully did my job of consoling..

And apparently I'm perfect or something.

Which is ridiculous.
He's known me for 2 years and still thinks this? Yeah, go ADD boy.

But I got the whole, the stupidest thing I ever did was end it with you..blah blah blah.

Oh whateva.

It was time to move on. We did.
I reminded him that things weren't going back to old ways now that he was single again.

He seemed okay by that..although I was told that he planned to make it all up to me.

Again, meh? Whats that supposed to mean?

And they say girls are confusing. Now, you give me an emotional girl, I can explain her pretty well to any guy.
We're crazy, over emotional, and are you sure it's not PMS?
NO! Don't ask her..that will piss her off more.

Yeah. I get the simple happy, hungry, horny, angry...

Have an emotional range beyond that?
It's like pulling teeth with a rubber chicken.

Comedically impossible.

There's bumbling, incomplete sentencing, and lots of 'well, you know what I mean'

No I don't!!! That's why I asked!!!


Now. This is a general stereotype, I apologize to the few males out there that I adore that are able to show emotion and still be okay with it.

I salute you with the highest honors I can think of at the moment. A swig of Pepsi and a cigarette.

You rock.

So there is my disclaimer.

Either way.
Things are going pretty well with the new job though. I'm digging it.

Not sure how long I can continue both jobs, it's kinda killing me..but it's nice for the time being.

I have off from job #1 tomorrow (b/c I have to work saturday), so I'm working up at job #2 11-7a.m.

And then tomorrow night I get to bbsit the munchkins for my sister and brother in law.

I love those brats.

Munchie, Bear and Elf.

I give the wierdest nicknames sometimes.

My little girl is my Elfkin though. She's been sick, had bronchitis, the poor little fairy.

She's usually so smiley and happy, laughing and giggling at everything. Even though she's teething, she'll just gnaw on something (preferably not Aunt Tricia finger...damn puppy teeth are sharp!) and laugh her ass off.

Merg - just got distracted by boss calling.


Why oh why won't Wawa deliver?

I've been over this numerous times.

Sleepy gurl. Need to sleep. Hope E really doesn't decide to wake me up tomorrow after he's done court.

Thinking of taking the Bear ice skating tomorrow..but I'm not sure I can manage to take him down and be back in time to bbsit the rest of the clan when my sis needs to leave.

Either way.
I'm off for the night I suppose. Less I can think of some amusing antecdote to dazzle everyone with.

But lets face it, kids..that ain't ever gonna happen.

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