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Jan. 15, 2006 - 4:46 a.m.

Ten Things

Stolen from Sock-girlie. So everyone go read her!

TEN Random Things You May Not Know About Me:

1. I have no pressure points. Yes, if you press hard enough it will hurt (duh) but not like it's supposed to.
2. Everytime I see Cyndi Lauper live I cry at 'True Colors' (and thats' been twice)
3. I don't like crying in front of people. Which makes for the previous, really fun to try to hide
4. I like the taste of diet soda
5. I've had more crushes on cartoon characters in my life, than real actors.
6. I get way too involved in books, and wind up getting depressed when I finish them.
7. I, actually do, have a thing for skinny pale guys in eyeliner.
8. But I get along amazingly well with Italians.
9. I've always wanted to live in France, right outside of Paris
10.I prefer to wear boots to sneakers, but I'm 5'10", so it makes me even taller.

NINE Places I�ve Visited:

1. France
2. Chicago
3. Joisey (Hell, I live next to New Jersey..does this count?)
4. Greensboro, North Carolina
5. New Orleans, Louisana (and surrounding areas. Family lives down there)
6. Montreal, Canada
7. Mystic, Ct (to go with Sock-girlie, yes, even had the pizza..and really..wasnt' that impressed.)
8. Florida
9. Grand Canyon, and all that Az stuff.

EIGHT Ways to Win My Heart:

1. Stop by the side of the road on the way to pick me up and pick weeds for me.
2. Make me laugh, even while in bed.
3. Play with my hair.
4. Fix my truck, or try to. Even checking the oil (there's something about a guy getting greasy under the hood of a car...)
5. Know how I take my tea/coffee.
6. Put your hand on the small of my back.
7. Get a little jealous occassionally. But not too much.
8. Trust me.

SEVEN Things I Want to Do Before I Die:

1. Travel the world.
2. Fall madly in love, everytime I wake up next to the person I marry.
3. Get paid to take pretty pictures.
4. Meet David Bowie..and actually have a conversation with him. Instead of "daaaa...hi...*drool drool*"
5. Learn how to speak Russian
6. Be in a band, that actually gets gigs
7. Make an impact on as many people as possible, positive, hopefully. I don't want people to mourn me when I'm gone, but I want 'em to get drunk and tell dumb stories about me.

SIX Things I�m Afraid Of:

1. Losing My Mom (straight-jacket)
2. Losing anyone of my nephews/niece.
3. Being trapped in a burning house.
4. Being in an accident, and no one finding out. Like ..the truck falling in a ditch..and no one finding me.
5. Growing up. And feeling like I've accomplished nothing.
6. Saying Goodbye.

FIVE Things I Don�t Like:

1. Chocolate Ice Cream
2. Blue Cheese Dressing. Lumpy. Gross.
3. Small yappy dogs.
4. Gaucho pants
5. Shopping

FOUR Ways to Turn Me Off:

1. Question my intelligence or ability (because I'm a girl..right?)
2. Be disrespectful to my parents/sister/nephews/niece
3. Be a distrustful and jealous freak, and question every time I go out with my friends. (Every girl has been there. It sucks.)
4. Stick your tongue in my ear. Ew. Squashy noise.

THREE Things I Do Every Day:

1. Give attention to the pacer and whiskey
2. Talk to Puppy
3. Put off getting dressed as long as possible.

TWO Things That Make Me Happy:

1. Allan/Shayne/Angela
2. Driving on a warm night, with the windows down, singing obnoxiously loud

ONE Thing on My Mind Right Now:

1. My warm comfy bed, and how it's waiting for me..and how I'm going to get home to it with all the stupid snow.

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