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Jan. 20, 2006 - 11:56 p.m.

...And Bob Dylan just came on..
and made me want to cry.

There are 4 minutes left of my birthday.

E took me out last night for dinner and drinks.

I think it's funny he called my best friend and my mother to get ideas about what to get me for my birthday.

And obnoxiously cute.

I'm not disappointed, which is odd. I should be, shouldn't I?
Shouldn't he know me well enough that he should be able to buy me a gift without consulting the two people in my life that know me better than myself?

To my amazement, nope. I just think it's endearingly adorable that he called Jbear in a panic (as she renacted the vm for me..
"J- it's E-. You NEED to call me back NOW....( Jbear starts to freak out) I can't figure out which book to get Trich, I know she likes to read and I don't know what she likes and you know what she likes and I don't know what to get....(said incredibly fast without breathing)...Call me back!"

She didn't get the message till after he already gave me the presents. He resolved himself to calling Mom instead.

How amusing. At least he knew who to call.

I'm so proud.

Work-girly bought me a cake. Sister brought the babygurl Elf and balloons to work. Verra cute!

Coworker guy laughed much when seeing me try to walk to the truck with all this stuff in my arms, and trying to fit it into my truck.

I like where I work. I realized that again today when I went to work in jeans...and no one said a word, or gave me a funny look...

Still a little wierded that I HAVE A BUSINESS CARD.

With a TITLE!


My right hand is freezing by the by.

So. Anyhow. My mood was increasingly getting crappy by the moment yesterday.

Depressed. Guess birthday's aren't my thing. I get wierd about them. I like them and all, but I get depressed once their done and over with. I prolong my birthday celebrations.

Tonight, I work. It's my birthday and I'm working both jobs. Fun.

But tomorrow, I play. Ice skating and bar hopping.

24, baby. Time to get plastered?

Perhaps I am getting old.

Dah Greggers has arrived bearing gifts of Bowie-ness.

How I adore him.

(Bowie or Gregs? Hm. Bowie for the loveliness, and gregs for bringing the lovely.)

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