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Mar. 21, 2006 - 6:17 a.m.

My nose hurts.
Once again, I'm sick. Which is not altogether something highly strange.
Considering my lack of sleep and eatting correctly.
Or due to the fact that I went running in the cold with the dog, in probably too little clothing because I didn't think that it was that windy or cold before I left the house.
So nose hurts, because I keep blowing it. Basically so I don't wind up with a horridly sore throat.
Here I sit, at the hotel once more. Waiting..waiting..for someone to show up so I can go home. Which will suck entirely too much because at 7 something in the morning too many people will be getting in my way trying to get to work, while I'm trying to get home to sleep.
Talked to Sam last night. Which was nice. Was on the phone from 9 till...11:30/12:00.
20 minutes.
I unfortunately made him hungry (I stopped at Wawa) and thus the call was doomed and had to end.
I'm perfectly consumed.
It's nice to have intelligent conversation again.
Even if some of it is nonesensical.
I cannot wait for summer and the oncomings of my vacation.
And the long weekend I plan on taking to visit the Pup.
Which I need to do soon, before his newly aquired puppy (Saaaaaaaaaarah.) gets any bigger.
I do not like when people give animals names like that, though.
Undoubtably someone is going to know a Sarah, and think of that person everytime someone says the dogs name.
Which is ridiculous. I didn't name my dog, but I'm not going to think of anyone besides him when I hear Pacer.
Nor Whiskey..but I named him.
I can't believe how long this has chronicled my life. I read back every once in a while to see where I have gone and what I have done. Some things come back to me that I forgot.
I realized I've grown in a lot of different ways.
It's a little frightening.
I realized I'm not worried about getting out there and having people read all about me.
Sincerely. I write like I'm writing to someone else, but to someone else that's been walking next to me for most of my life.
How can someone walk next to you all of your life, when they live 10 hours away from you, may I ask?

Sometimes I feel it's possible. Sometimes I worry.
I'm tired of the ladder theory.
I want to be one of the guys. I want to have the girls.
I want to learn how to be friends, even though.
Seriously..why does it have to be right, that whole ladder theory. Because it is.
You can be friends with a member of the opposite sex.
But only on three instances.

1. They're not attracted to you.
2. They're gay.
3. They're having sex with someone higher up on the ladder than you.

Which is ridiculous.
Because I do think there is a line of respect. You can be friends with a member of the opposite sex, as long as you both respect each other. Even if you want to sleep with each other. And I think it goes both ways.
One won't make a move, but you still enjoy each others' company in the meantime.
It's not all about waiting around for the chance to fuck.
Which is what most people try to make it out to be. That's ridiculous.
My nose hurts. And I need to start my truck, so it's all warm and toasty for my ride home.
Very hungry ride home, because I couldn't make a decision at Wawa earlier and get food.
Too many..choices and ...and..I buckled.
What can I say.
Need to start looking into weekends to take away...
And need to start finding out what will be going on with my weeks vaca time.
Off I go, into the wild blue yonder.
Yes. Yes..that's right.
Wild and Blue.

Fuck that Yonder, yo.

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