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Apr. 02, 2006 - 5:35 a.m.

So I just lost an hour. Stupid springing ahead thing. But...I guess that sorta means I get to leave an hour earlier from work. So technically I only worked 7 hours, not 8. I'm okay with this. Ha-ha! I've foilled them again.


How damned long does it take to get a pack of cigarettes out of a machine? Apparently twenty minutes for this obnoxious retard who just got dropped off by the cops on my doorstep.
Thanks guy, just what I needed.
Another drunk in the house at 6 a.m.

Anyhow. I haven't actually done too much as of the late.
Talking to Sam rather infrequently. Don't particular care to delve further into that, nothing is wrong, but there's just nothing to tell.

Busy lives. Indeed.
Er is being a shit. He wants to be closer, and start acting all sweet and shit. But only on his terms. When he wants to act that way, he'll act that way. Well, I just don't. I don't put up with it either way, I'm not letting him get any closer. It's just stuck in neutral at the moment. He got in a fight with me about it the other day. Because I've been pissy. Nope, just giving him the same shit he gives me. I'll be there in 20 minutes. I show up an hour later.
I forget to call. I don't bother calling at all. I leave when I want to leave, if I bother to show up at all. I'm not considerate, I'm not attached, I don't let him know whats going on in my life, he doesn't know my friends.

It sounds petty and probably retarded that I'm even dating this person with all this going on. In all seriousness, I wouldn't still be there if there wasn't a lot of good.
And there is, it's just more fun to bitch about the bad.
And not all the bad is his fault. A lot of it is mine, also, shh, don't let him know that.
So. That's going fairly well.
A little agrevated, because one guy is trying to date me, and I'm not all that attracted to him. But he's persistant.

Meh. How do you let someone down easy? I think he's a nice guy, and I think he'd be a good time to hang out with..but the thought of him trying to kiss me...skeeves me a little.
That's horrid, isn't it? ..Alright, maybe not.

But then, alright, my love life, which is basically non-existant, is highly confusing. Because I think one of my friends is trying to psuedo date me, also. And I love 'em to death, yes I'm attracted to him, but it's within a group..and I hate that mentality.
I just..I want to go on vacation.
And I'm hungry.
But that's nothing surprising. I'm always hungry.

So. Pup's doing well. Got the truck getting basically fixed, I'm so proud. Sent me pictures of the new puppy (Ms. Saaaaaaaaaarah), she's not getting too big yet, but I still have to get down there to see her before she does. Or before she loses her puppy fuzz.

Ms. Mooooooor-Gun is doing well in our house. Seems to be pissing Pacer off a little bit, but she's an energetic little shit. I feel so bad when I take her out and not Pacer, I made M distract Pacer while I snuck Morgan out the door.
She needs the walks, lets out a little energy for her, and it's something for me to keep up with. Especially since I decided to start keeping in shape again, so I've been working out a bit..and Morgan being a pup, can run with me.
If I ran with Pacer, I'd probably feel bad and stop to give him water and biscuits.
Not that he's old and feeble. But he's old and my Pacer and I baby him.
He has trouble jumping into my truck.
I want a cigarette, but I hate standing outside to go smoke one. Is that not ridiculous?!
The fact that I'm so damned lazy I won't go stand outside to smoke, rather than the actual having to go outside.

Want more tat's. Thinking about working on another piece. But the only problem is where to put it. I don't want tacky or ...I don't know. I don't like the whole leg thing. But I don't want arms..and upper back just seems...tacky.
Maybe I'll just leave it, and won't get anymore.
Because I'm not up for tat'ing the bottom of my feet. And my stomach is staying inkless.
Ramble ramble.

Alright. Ima stop being lazy and go smoke. And then finish the small amount of work I actually have to do.
And by that point in time..I should be able to leave this evil place.
G'night and g'luck, ya'll.

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