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Dec. 07, 2007 - 8:22 p.m.

So I'm not sure what to make of all this.

E keeps telling me that his christmas present should be me getting pregnant.
He's been bugging about wanting a kid.
I told him that I wouldn't do it till I was married.
I don't know if he realizes just how serious I am about that apparently.

It's not like I couldn't imagine him and I together. I know we'll probably wind up being together anyway. Even though we do drive each other insane, we're still...compatible. It's just something with us.
His roommate moves out in February, which means he wants me to move in then.
I still have some reservations about it, but I probably will. Hopefully I'll be making more than enough money to cover it, though.

I'll miss the freedom that him and I give each other, now, probably.

Gr. This can't be long because the keyboard is driving me insane. The spacebar keeps sticking.

I'll have to try to write later on the home computer.

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